Sunday, April 30, 2017


SPIRITUAL AND NATURAL The spirit produces nature, not vice versa, as most humbly I conceive it. Therefore, I do not adhere literally to the declaration, the inverse statement in 1 Cor. 15:46 that the natural precedes the spiritual: "The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual." To the extent that the two: nature and spirit may be defined at all, linearly--which is means sequentially, not by homogeneity, meaning everywhere at once; linearity seems to me to be most improbable. My intuition conduces this end, given prevailing scientific theories of knowledge, held by some theorists. But they may be conflated. They may be mutually complementary, coextensively defined, even in a worst case, but linear like 1-2-3, I would say not . The chicken and the egg obtains. I may be wrong. May God have mercy on me for my conception.