Wednesday, May 27, 2015


THE CHICKEN, EGG AND YOU Which came first the chickens or the eggs might be answered by recasting the question as this: "Which came first, terms or their differences? Better yet, that came first which now is, not that which is not, fully manifested nor open." That which is, that of which we presently are aware, in the here and now, necessarily, is first. We cannot be aware of that which is not present and perceptible to us. "Came" connotes manifestation. Since the chickens were placed first, in the query above, they are the predicate for what follows, eggs. Had eggs been placed first, in the above query, eggs would be the predicate for for what follows, chickens. First in line is the first in mind for assessment. "The first hen to cackle lays the egg," Mama used to say to us. So, anything's placement factors in formulation, in any formulation. That suggests it is the answer, a thing's placement in formulation "Which" evokes a linear reply, urging an "either or" answer. Now if you view life linearly or serially, your answer will reflect which. If quantum, you'll answer both, urging mutual immanence. If you easily succumb to tacit suggestions, or, are liable to linearity, chicken is irresistible! If not, then not, but, few are not! So which came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer lies in you, to paraphrase Solomon.