Monday, May 4, 2015


"The Convention Movement developed a leadership among the American Negroes that exerted a wide influence throughout the North and on the Nation. Among the foremost stands Henry Highland Garnet, whose address to the slaves of the country, while it stirred the Convention held in 1843, at Buffalo, to a degree unequalled by any other single deliverance in the thirty years of the Movement, nevertheless was so bold and aggressive that the Convention actually refused to adopt it. They feared the consequences of giving sanction to so revolutionary and radical a doctrine... Though the Convention refused to adopt the address , it was nevertheless published . John Brown, who sixteen years later led the insurrection at Harper's Ferry, published and circulated Garnet's address at his own expense." P.126, "Henry Highland Garnet," THE NEGRO IN AMERICAN HISTORY; MEN AND WOMEN EMINENT IN THE EVOLUTION OF THE AMERICAN OF AFRICAN DESCENT, by John W. Cromwell (1913) The link to the speech is below.