Saturday, May 23, 2015


Memorial Day Weekend Memories Memorial Day weekend, though sometimes chilly, was the happy harbinger of summer's heat and festivities, for us kids and teens, in Rock Hill/Webster Groves, Missouri, near St. Louis, in the 1960s! Cardinals' Baseball on the radio. Everybody's Daddy's barbecue on the grill! Family, and extended family, fun felicitously unfurled with our American flags, that were flown up and down Eldridge Avenue from the porches of black World War II Army veterans like my great father, the late, Elvis Mitchell Coleman, father of eight bright children that were born to him, by Margie Dean Coleman, Mama, & loving Queen Mother! Hospitality was the order of the day, as a wide array of cousins, aunts, uncles, and all varieties of "kin" unceremoniously dropped in and stayed to enjoy the fun, frank political discussions, and mouth-watering aromas from "Bo's" grill. Swimming at the community pool, commonly known as "Forty Acres," was also in order, as this was the weekend that our pool officially opened for the season. Just felt like reminiscing about this day, the joyful start of Memorial Day Weekend celebrations in Missouri! Thank you for reading!