Friday, May 8, 2015


Self-righteous presumption may well be the foremost of sins. Certainly the Pharisees and the Sadducees trailed and argued with Jesus constantly and the Chief Priests turned him over to the Romans for crucifixion and trial. After trial, finding no breach of Roman law, the befuddled Romans offered the Jewish religious leaders and their rabble, a choice; whether to redeem: Jesus or Barabbus? With one voice, they chose Barabbus ! Similar episodes are acted out on FB each day on my page, if not on others pages: Why post this? How dare you post that? Don't eat this! Better read that. They have no shame, no clue. At home, on their page they may do and say as they choose, and I won't complain. But, on my FB page, I will follow the teaching of Jesus and "shake the dirt off my feet and move right on!"