Tuesday, June 5, 2018


FIGURES OF SPEECH Tuesday, June 05, 2018 By Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman “Figures of speech”—so-called—are really modes of correlative perception and conception, codifying how one comprehends, apprehends, natural relations or phenomena. Figures of Speech help convey meanings derived by one to others, albeit imperfectly: Simile. Metaphor. Personification. Hyberbole. “Speech” is tied to language, language to worldview, worldview to diurnal life rhythms and sensibilities. “Figures” are constructions, artifices--made, imagined, manufactured by mankind--to communicate. Music is chief among speech figures. Music resonates in phonetically inarticulable recesses and regions of cognitive resonance. Speech, music, art, crafts, consciousness, conduce to, culminate in, rhythmic rituals leading through planting, harvesting, fishing, hunting, weaving, tanning, canning, reproducing. Back of all these is wonderment, mystery, awe; an innate realization of shared divinity with Almighty. Amen.