Wednesday, June 20, 2018


“DISAGGREGATING” OUR WAY TO FREEDOM Wednesday, June 20, 2018 By Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman Why not model our societies, governments, organizations upon the atom? Earlier societies used animal organization principles to model their societies. The female-led elephant herds and male lion-led prides of lions are two examples. In this, our post-atomic, age, surely, more efficacious models have presented themselves, albeit unknowingly, due to conceptual distortions of perceptions. Of course, many may have to learn about the structure, properties of atoms to be completely comfortable. Many more may not need to do anything more than to “feel” their way forward in the spirit in order to catch the flair, as done in church. Why not elevate human associations among African Americans to match our new found science knowledge, our new-found nature knowledge, that accretes daily? “Disaggregation” of a whole or individualization reduces complexity to simplicity in mathematics, biology, chemistry. Our African American community can use its historic and present disaggregation for its immediate gain, advantage: politically, sociologically, economically. Since we have long been purposefully disaggregated, --“scattered and peeled”—from at least the fifteenth century forward, by those nations who have exploited by our technical credulity, we may need to do no more than to remediate that technical deficiency to provide for our own families, adeptly, diligently. Doing so will defeat others’ ongoing disaggregation attempt. Our rediscovered, now-remediated, technical proficiencies may then be used against them, whose efforts only empower us more! By perfecting our own, by utilizing their habitual disaggregating energy for our strategic advantage, we rise. #30