Tuesday, June 26, 2018


t is a wonderful thing when brothers have each other's backs! Today I posted that "Jesus was African," because he was "born in Africa." Another brother asked me for the specific location. I was so sure that it was Egypt that I had not bothered to double check the scriptures prior to posting. When I did double-check, I discovered and published my error and apologized for making a mistake. Later, however, another friend, Eric James, posted a series of maps that I post here to support my first claim that show that Jesus was indeed born in Africa, because of tectonic plates make Judea part of Africa. My friend, Omari Gardner, then further corroborated the accuracy of the first "Jesus was African" post based on Egyptian history where that area was known as northeast Africa. It was Egyptian by trade, culture, conquest and by Kemet's prolonged rule over Canaan-land. Thanks Eric James and Omari Gardner!