Tuesday, December 19, 2017


VIEWING KANSAS CITY IN 1976 When I first hit KC in 1976, it was live and alive. Bristling with activity. There were concerts promoted by Lewis Gray Productions. There was Freedom, Inc., then-led by Harold "Doc" Holliday. Bruce Watkins was wheeling and dealing. Rev. Emanuel Cleaver II preached; Arthur Bryant was still alive and barbecuing, as was J. Reuben Benton and Lucille Bluford, owners of the "Kansas City Call." Nor can I forget Horace Peterson nor Bernard Powell; nor Alex Harris nor Jim Threatt, nor E. Frank Ellis, Julia Hill, Inez Kaiser, Alvin Brooks, Phil Curls nor Alan Wheat. And ever there was Ollie Gates; Sonny Selectman , and many many more. If the KC fire is no longer blazing , at least it is now banked, secured by Marion Jordan. I have greatly enjoyed Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas, having made friends and money on both sides of the State Line and Missouri River. Would that they had only learned to enjoy the vibrant diversity of each other, rather than allowing the low down denizens to dominate their lives, characters, their conviviality .