Thursday, December 21, 2017


DESCENT OF WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING Mankind existed multiple millennia before books were ever invented; before scrolls, parchments, paper were ever invented; long, long, before before the fact, act, the art of writing, itself, was invented, in Africa. Mankind was in Africa before anything was invented. We are their inventive progeny. They are here in us , with us, in spirit, and in deeds. These prior people, our forebears, without books, scrolls, parchment pens, writings, relied upon nature, natural history to teach them how, when, what to do. They studied the patterns, correlations, associations. (That would be good for us to do .) They rose with the sun, slept with the moonlight, followed the stars, religiously, diligently, for seasons. Mankind watched the tides, birds, animals, plants, insects, fish. They listened, tasted, sniffed, tried this, that, and the other, over time and place repetitively, and they taught each other over campfires, in the hunt, in the gardens; while fishing, sowing, weeding, reaping, working. Some people died off, became extinct, for whatever reason; as did certain plants, animals, insects, fish, lands, rivers, seas, birds and bees. These extinctions were the result of frictions, having recurred over the billions of years of earth's existence, before man's existence. (Climates all changed before man!) But Homo sapiens kept on living. In the course of time, perhaps, say within the past 10,000 years, our forebears produced by accretion, by repetition, certain glyphs that represented ideas and sounds into forms : forms of writings , forms of mathematics, forms of knowledge, forms of religion. These forms were all passed down to us, in forms of tablets, hieroglyphics, hieratic, demotic, thence: books , scrolls, parchment, on papyrus, paper, in stone stelae, in construction and invention, in music, dance and art. The ancients' Divine Laws, science, arts, crafts, precepts, instructions, prescriptions, formulas, recipes, poetry, chronologies, charts, units of measurement, methods, values, tools, taboos, psalms, proverbs, short stories, wisdom tales, that were formally recorded by men all came from nature, to men of God. In this way , all our holy books and knowledge came to us by descent.