Friday, December 8, 2017


GOD'S DIVINE SPIRITUAL ESSENCE Wisdom speaks to the spirit, the divine spiritual soul of mankind . Knowledge speaks to the mind, the material, earthly soul, of mankind. God's Divine spirit is the source of both wisdom, a speck of light; and of knowledge, a speck of matter. Mankind is given to know few material things, to imagine fewer spiritual things. Anciently wisdom and knowledge were one; connubially guiding very ancient mankind's walk in life, into art, crafts, numbers,letters,sentences, construction, agriculture, astronomy,philosophy. religion, law, mythology, science, civilization. In time, wisdom and knowledge came apart, with earth's continents, becoming separate, as civilization spread abroad from out of Africa, its progenitor . Other ages , epochs, preceding our own, preparatory to our own, have left evidences of their existences. By works, wisdom, knowledge, habitation we know them, blessed by each revelation, each scientific reduction or deduction. By reason of these evidences, we gain more wisdom and knowledge. They all say to us that we too shall die. All that exists must die. Such is life. For death is life divinely recycled, reabsorbed, formlessly, into God's divine spiritual essence .