Thought arises within. Suggestion comes from without. They may seem to feel alike. But they are not exactly alike.
"Thoughts" are engendered by will, by character, by experience, and by exertion . Suggestion or intuition, by contrast, are not volitional, but they seem to appear like magic "from out of thin air," from out of somewhere, subtly, quietly, phenomenally.
We may sometimes feel the presence of a suggestion, intuition, "spirit," later, when we are prone to say, "Something told me not to..." or inversely say, "Something told me to." That "something" is the "Spirit" of God, our conduit in life.
Thoughts are often equated with the spirit of a man, woman, child.
"For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person that is within him. So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God."
1 Cor. 2:11.
Under the foregoing scripture both terms, "thoughts" and ""Spirit" are imputed to God, as are each term imputed to mankind. So both coexist as does the sun and moon that coexist, revolving around the earth and its phenomenon of man.
Yet, I am also reminded of the text in which Jesus asks, "Which of you by giving thought can add one cubit to his stature?" Matt. 6:27
Answer: no one! Just like no one has created himself, herself, itself.
Thus, thoughts must not becloud spirit; must not encumber spirit ; must not bully spirit out of the way! Rather, our thoughts must yield to the spirit, whenever we "feel the spirit moving in our ♥️ hearts!"
This yielding, the act of submission may seem like a meek capitulation, which it is: Capitulation to the will of God, our Creator who gave life, is a meekness that empowers us!