Thursday, June 15, 2017


SYMMETRY : LAW AND RELIGION Thursday, June 15, 2017 Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman  I note with fascinating curiosity the appreciable symmetry in black iconic leadership involving both Prince Hall Masonry and robust black Christianity, especially that involving the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and the black Episcopal Church , whose elders and founders were Master Masons: Absalom Jones and Richard Allen, who date back to 1787, and the Free African Society, a black secular benevolence society, from which both denominations sprang. There is no doubt that what we now know as "Masonry" and "Christianity" are both diluted off-shoots of ancient Egyptian philosophy and mysteries, which they received from their ancient African predecessors, perfected, and applied geometrically and gratuitously to Greeks, Romans, and others, down to the present day in secret rituals, to select initiates. This made their cultural theft possible. One such was Father Moses Dickson of pre-Civil War St. Louis, who is reported to have organized thousands of black Masons to fight for freedom, before the Civil War broke out, obviating the need. Another such may have been Prince Hall, himself, who was also a devout Christian, like Booker T. Washington, Moses Mosiah Garvey, and Toussaint L’Overture, who were other devout and learned black Freedom Fighters. Almost surely also, Paul Cuffee, James Forten, David Walker and Nat Turner, fell within these broad parameters, as did Denmark Vesey, Robert Purvis, Frederick Douglass, Charles Hamilton Houston, Thurgood Marshal, Martin Luther King, Jr., Honorable Elijah Muhammed, and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr,. all fall within these parameters. Both rituals insinuate black communities rural or urban. Perhaps you may have noted like symmetries in later black leaders, including the present day.