Monday, June 5, 2017


HUG THE GOOD "TREES" Trees that bear good fruit are good. Jesus in speaking of trees was talking about people, families. Families can be good or bad, whether we speak of Jesse and Frank James or lesser criminals. Some years ago, "The Kansas City Star" found that a disproportionate number of crimes committed in our city, black community, was centered among the same families. Multiple generations of criminality existed in the same household, from great grandmother on down to their juveniles, of every variety. Just as there are families of gross underachieving people, there is also the reverse, extremely great, achieving families, who make us proud. Race is no factor, evidently, though being white it is obviously easier than being black to achieve. I went to Howard with a man from the South, a Vietnam veteran, who went segregated schools, yet he is a respected businessman, his wife is a teacher; one daughter is a lawyer and the other has a masters in mathematics, pursuing a Ph. D. Years ago, in the course of my law practice, I met a couple from Kanas City, Kansas, whose six children are all doctors, either JD, MD, or Ph.D. Neither parent had gone to college. There are many other favorable, black family examples , including my own. Neither of our parents finished high school in Mississippi. Yet, all eight of their children and their grandchildren have attended college, and our parents were twice honored as "Parents of the Year" in the Webster Groves, Missouri, School District; one well esteemed. The distinguishing characteristics of good and bad families seem to be applied faith in God, regular church attendance, hard work, hopeful outlooks, outgoing personalities, and home training . Thus , I would say to those who are looking for remedies to many of the problems that beset us, to look to the families! Look to them for the right stuff and for the wrong stuff, also. Family is where both abide. Once again, Jesus taught us right. Read Luke 6:43-45 for his wisdom. Hug a good, fruit-bearing 🌲 tree.…