Saturday, June 17, 2017


THE EFFICIENT-DEFICIENT COEFFICIENT If a man, group or nation disregards God, by works; that is, by means, by acts, in totally disrespecting the rest of humanity in thought, word, or deed, then you have met up with sensate evil however masked by its appearance or rhetoric or religion. "Sensate" in the sense that they are feeling, sensible in part but not in whole: to itself, but not to others. These lack consistency with their own language, with their own acts. They lack a psychology that gives cognizance to supernatural powers that permeate, nature, God or man. Thus, to facilitate their rule, plunder and rapine of the earth, they would know what all there is, all the better to seize; in order to distort, contort, subvert all that has passed before to better claim it as their own; to be God unto themselves over all else. Such they have done and yet do. It is or was the season of perversion, but now is the season of reversion. When the day succeeds the night; when photons become entangled again, not disentangled, mangled. All that now exist are specially here to assist in this restructuring, in the restoration, of the primordial order, not the order primeval, ruler of evil. The efficient and deficient are both coefficients of the God of all for all.