Wednesday, June 7, 2017


THE FIRST WILL BE LAST! Fearing an invasion by rivals of our sacred space, sacred calling, that was based upon certain scattered reports of that alleged occurrence elsewhere, methought myself to be both sanguine and sage in rising to depart from our impromptu, called confabulation, seasonably, indeed, prudentially rather than to be found unawares-unprepared, should such a prospect actually come to pass. Thus, I arose from my seat begging leave of the brethren and "sisteren" assembled, to be able to depart in peace early, not cursorily, asserting in justification my renown disability in mobility that was apparent for all to see, and quite possibly to be burdened by, should the fancied "invasion" possibility, of certain sacred rivals actually eventuate. I had barely gone two steps, when a nearby preacher seized my right arm and said, "Let me help you to the door, Doc!" Before I could even respond, another pastor agreed by seizing my left arm as we three strode off to recess the sanctuary. Behind us, somebody said, "I had better grab the door for you all," as he went flying by coattails flapping. Then, as if by magic, en masse, the whole clique, the entire revered clerical crew had made their way past us, moving rapidly--running--to the vestibule rapidly assiduously. When we finally got to the door , it was standing ajar, and the parking lot was empty. Just goes to show that truly: "the first will be last, and the last first in the sight of God!" Matthew 19:30New International Version (NIV) 30 But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first. Amen!