Tuesday, February 7, 2017


"WE" Whosoever that "WE" were in the "Declaration of Independence," who said: "WE hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights," .... Who are that we? That aggregate "we." Whoever that "we" are, was, or may be, their "we," that "we," was not me. Neither was that or their we my folks, my people of African descent in the old British colonies that would later after 2 wars, become, because of thousands of mistaken "we's," the United States of America. That much is certain! What a terrible travesty, what heresy, apostasy, to put to the lie, to make a lie out of, "these truths," those that were so broadly proclaimed to be "self-evident truths" about "certain unalienable rights endowed by God?" Lies about rights. Man. And God! Who is this WE who profligately lies on all?