Wednesday, February 22, 2017


FRUSTRATING SEARCH TODAY! Earlier today, I searched online for a photo or painting of black men studying the Bible. No luck. There were single black men but no groups. Or there were always white and black groups mixed together. My search continued for about an hour , until I used a lithograph of Bishop Richard Allen, founder of the AME Church , the AME seal. And a batik from Ramses III's era showing the different races of men. Because I study this subject matter rather intensely, I know that Egypt, Israel/Palestine of today, including Lebanon and Syria, were once held by Egypt or Kemet, the black land, by the black man and women for thousands of years. These same black people bequeathed Arts and Sciences, alphabet, mathematics; in short, civilization to the world! I also know Moses was raised in Egypt, Abraham found succor in Egypt , and Israel, whose youngest son was sold by his brothers into Egypt as a slave due to his nagging prophesy and his coat of many colors, given to him by Israel. That same Israel (Jacob) was buried in Egypt until his bones were removed by Joseph, that second to Pharaoh. Everything comes from God. Until black men, at a minimum, know this, and their responsibility for the knowledge of truth into which they were born, they must lag behind! No one is going to "admit" this to you! You had better get this and more for yourself ; so that you can work the work of Him that sent you; the night comes, when no man can work. So doing, you will work out your own salvation with fear (of God) and trembling! Hallelujah!