Sunday, February 5, 2017


"LIFE" ON EARTH 🌏 AND ON US Roots. Roosts. Residency. All three terminals being on Earth equalize plant-life, bird-life, animal-fish life, insect-life, microbial life, all "life." As Earth is epicenter and vortex of "life," of whatever shape or form, the Earth is the planet of life, all life. We search the heavens, if not in vain, then surely desperately, for some, for any, assurance that we are not alone upon Earth; that there is also life out there. Somewhere. There, life as we know it here, as we recognize it here, as we assume it, exists in other places than Earth. Since we gather as we go, become wiser as we wander about therein, I no more begrudge national space exploration, than I do babies' digital investigations, of our human faces. The simple fact is that each one of us must know, by some impulse will know, by reaching out, by means of digital manipulation for an answer to the question of what this is? Each would seek, in turn, to fathom what this is that we see so regularly and how is its visage related to me? There has to be a relationship of some kind. But, what is it? How did it get there? What is it made of? Where am I ? What is this place? Does what is upon the human face relate at all to outer space? Is it merely symbolically representative of some abiding, infinite, cosmic, interstellar space mystery, or is there much more ? Is there not that something back of all Earth's facial appearances, features, expressions that are intrinsically related to us? Surely there must be, and there is!