Tuesday, February 21, 2017


MISCONCEPTIONS OF MAN/GOD To misconceive of mankind as "a miscarriage of divine intent," as certain religions have done, is to conceive of mankind as being an error, a 'lamented' mistake of God. This view, doctrine, dogma acts to abase God, to personify God as not "perfect," but as negligent as man. That mankind has coyly religiously accepted this view, deferred to its truth, for almost 2,000 years, itself, explains what is wrong with many! Dr. Alvin Kuhn, from whose book, THE REBIRTH OF CHRISTIANITY (2005), the above quotation was taken, continues this thought by saying that it is the natural frictions between the material and spiritual, not some "gift," are what actually induced the calling forth of Jesus Christ. What to many is deemed "miraculous" is as natural as birth in man, whose spiritual essence must overcome plethora physical challenges upon its transit into life. As the larval pupae must overcome their own protective sinecures, their natural cocoons, which have sustained them before maturity, so too by virtue of more struggles, each pupa, before coming forth as lovely butterflies, created from patterns encoded by divine grace, must yet still struggle. So too must mankind struggle before emerging pursuant to those same encoded algorithms.