Monday, February 27, 2017


NO LACK TO LAMENT To lament some lack in oneself, in one's nation, in mankind is to presume the existence of innate capacity to not-lack; is to presume that some lack begets lack; gives rise to lack; which, if done properly would eliminate lack. If that presumptive innate capacity to not-lack, to avoid lack,does not exist, in oneself, in one's nature, or mankind, there can be no lack in anything; hence, there is nothing to lament. Such a perspective would lower man to the level of all the rest of life. The rest of life, plant, animal, insect, mineral, microbe, gas, atom, matter, energy, darkness, light: all of these lack discretion, to divert, to do other, to be other, than what it is. So, too, do planets, galaxies, stars, comets, asteroids, meteors lack the divine power that we have so boldly, so ambitiously have arrogated unto ourselves: being able to divert destiny, to transform ourselves, to opt-out of what we are, out of what humans have been created to be, along with all life! Imagine that! All sin, All guilt, All forgiveness, All failure, All "lack" are but matters of points of view, perspectives, cosmologies, religious dogmas, overlays on natural creation!