Sunday, February 5, 2017


APPLE 🍎 PHILOSOPHY A poet may sing of a rare apple 's beauty, color, texture; a musician may salute it symphonically; artist's brush strokes or a sculptor's chisel may capture its exact image; a craftsman may perfectly replicate it in stone, metal, wood, or wax. But just one bite of the rare apple will banish all artificiality, however lovely, melodious, clever, precise. So too is philosophy like this apple . Its power is perfected in its actual application to the pedestrian affairs of mankind, to the common stuff of ordinary daily life. We make more of it than we ought, signifying by it our utter ignorance of philosophy. As the sun shines, as wind blows, water flows, so philosophy knows that it was made by man for man to enable man to be all that it can be. As is the apple, so philosophy is as well. "Taste, see that the Lord is good!" Take ample bites of some philosophical delight, uninhibited !