Wednesday, November 28, 2018


NO REQUIEM FOR WINNERS! After our having "lost" several high profile political races in Mississippi, Georgia, Florida and Maryland , a certain sadness suffuses in black Americans on November 28, 2018. Sadness has its place. But we must move on. Hope endures. Politics is but one realm of endeavor after all. Our greatest leaders were not the noted politicians that ran for office whether they won or lost. Politics is the system devised by profiteers of our oppression to maintain the flow. Our greatest heroes were not and are not the politicians, but parents and grandparents, friends, family. These are the ones to whom honor and tribute are past due; the ones to whom we must look to in these times for strength, guidance, hope and vision. What did they do with less than we now have and how? They are who brought us through; who brought us all here to carry on. They too met with disappointment and sadness in politics, in the work place, in education, in the courts, stores, hospitals, the military , the arts, in business, entertainment; in short, in every realm of endeavor . This outcome is to be expected by stigmatized minorities in a system designed to make sure that we all remain as stigmatized minorities on state, federal, local, levels to keep themselves ahead, not behind us. But through it all, through them all, our ancestors unmistakably "made it," were winners, had succeeded, indeed have superseded, against all odds, against overwhelmingly unfair racial obstacles that were designed to destroy or thwart them all . We live as proof of the victory! Within each of one of us exists the same innate power and present capabilities as were exhibited by our forefathers and foremothers. So we have no leisure to mourn for that which was impossible any way! Black people winning the top spots in states of the South (or North) are certainly inspirational if delusional. Let those of us who are in politics do politics. Let the rest of us vote, support them, but not be deceived by legerdemain by the game nor by the game's wardens . Let the rest of us not be diverted, nor deterred by the deceitful glares of politics. Let us do, rather, what we can do for ourselves, for families, friends. Such our forbears had done before in such times like this. We are their profit! We are their fortunes. Let us look to and secure our own profits and our fortunes in our heirs by securing, adjuring, them to push on till victory is won, whenever it comes!