Monday, November 19, 2018


ALREADY MIRACULOUS ! It may be that human personality has survived its strongest test yet in the African American experience. Not merely on the macro level with destruction of families, languages, legacies, cultures, commerce; but, on the micro level as well, they are afflicted, inflicted, with daily cuts, or mental bruises that assault and assail due to color, race or creed. Despite it all, through it all, African Americans have 'overcome' though many may not have perceived it as yet, to be so, due to distortions and clamor. Be that as it may, speaking comparatively, no other nation now existing on the earth has achieved nirvana, beloved community, nor any hallowed state of humanity yet! That the ideal state has not yet been reached, in the United States of America is mollified by that fact. Thereby, comparatively America's own imperfections and deficits, are subsumed by other nations' who may have lacked racism or African slavery as dynamos in their history. All nations have issues, as do all continents and creeds. That we African Americans, a minority in a repressive majority, have endured and prevailed is a miracle already!