Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Rev. Jeremiah Wright, (famous for his "Jeremiads") once, in 2008, accurately characterized his former member, then-Senator Barack Obama, as a "politician." Barack Obama won the Presidency in 2008, in Philadelphia with his transcendent speech on race and racism, in response to the media's repeatedly running of Rev. Wright 's jeremiads on "God damn, America !" Although many of us, would have rather reinvented him, that is, would rather re- make President Barack Obama into a race-leader, me among those, he never was, in retrospect, a race leader. He said specifically that he was not the leader of black people, but of all the American people. We excused this utterance as being noble, as being Presidential, when actually he was being truthful. Barack Obama may never be, given his unique pedigree, nativity, personal history, a classic race leader! But what a wonderful, inspirational, politician he was and is!