Sunday, December 25, 2016


AMERICAN POLYMORPHISMS  I came to an enhanced conception of American society this Christmas morning, upon viewing the word, "polymorphism ." It means being bound by two or more organisms or elements into a syncretic whole. "E Pluribus Unum" our national motto, that is on our dollar bills, itself means "out of many parts, becoming one," in Latin; i.e. , that is the proof of our "polymorphism!" This joint metaphor and scientific principle within it prevails in art, music, biology, physics, chemistry, sociology, mathematics, as real, as authentic, much more so than the mythology of "melting pot", or the political canard of racial "diversity." We are one. We have ever been one. The Constitution ascribed to African slaves the status of 3/5s. This was over 70 years before the Supreme Court in 1857 took away what was legally encoded in 1789. Given that 3/5s, an additional 2/5s makes 1. Completes the whole. But even if one parces or processes the fractions differently, it is undeniable that blacks are, were, and will forever be, a very significant part of this American organism, if not the most significant part, being its basal agricultural mitochondria, its energy dispensary, military skein, epidermis, semipermeable sleeve. "American polymorphisms!" Merry Christmas to each and all of you!