Thursday, December 22, 2016


LITTLE "WHITE" LIES? NOT! That now-infamously purposeful embargo of plain truth that was venal in its applications to matters of: economic, cultural, legal, political, philosophical, educational, religious, historical, significance; that "whitenization" of things that are either wholly or partly tinctured by African or African-Americans' achievements: accomplishments, victories, triumphs, cultural accretions, discoveries, traditions, by the white ruling classes, has harmed both the black and the white victims of such inveterate "white" lies, that are not so little! On reading NOTES ON THE STATE OF VIRGINIA 'S "Query XIV," (1785) by Thomas Jefferson, I had sensed that there was something sinisterly dissembling, of some sort, on his part, in what he wrote. He wrote a string of racial absurdities about our black forebears, whom he knew, not only intimately, as with Sally Hemings, the slave mother of six of his children; but whom he knew scientifically, mathematically as well, in the person of Benjamin Banneker, whom he placed on the team that surveyed the new capitol, Washington. D.C. Benjamin Banneker, whose almanac's calculations Jefferson had had confirmed in France by the leading European expert; and with whom he exchanged letters in the 1790's about his "Query XIV's" scurrilous assertions, was refutation, was indeed living proof of Jefferson 's shameful canards, misrepresentations and white lies. Lies, like water, save life, give life, mold, and destroy life. As none are or were unaffected or detached from water, nor is anyone now living or dead, unaffected by, or detached from, American society's malicious, pernicious, historic lies! "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32. Truth is the key to victory!