Tuesday, December 20, 2016


EXPRESS DIVINITY AS YOURSELF People err, take offense, separate themselves needlessly from others over prideful, personal, issues that the innocent person may be totally unaware of or did nothing to cause. If you, merely by being you, cause another to become unsettled, to seethe, or to flee, that is not your concern, nor problem. That is their problem to redress redeem resolve! Must you stop being you for their sake? Must you diminish your ardor in order to placate or please them? Continue forth to do you. Continue forth to be you. Continue, then, to love you, to express divinity as you. Life is uneven, is inherently unequal in its distributions of many things. So what! That someone else may have more, at a given space or time, than others in such physical, fleeting, material resources, as wealth, beauty, musculature, voluptuousness, foot speed, age, height, weight, eloquence, political power, cultural standing, offspring, culinary skills, artistic skill, musical skill, book-learning or innumerable other regards, is no reason for you to be envious, covetous, hateful. Everyone exceeds every other one somehow, in someway, sometimes. Everyone is as alive as all who live. Therein lies all possibility, our lives . If you want distinction, work harder to distinguish yours from less hard working people, nations, or groups. In the end, those who work harder than others usually win, something; if that is no more than self-respect! Self-respect is the greatest love of all, the greatest victory of them all. Always love honor respect yourself! Hence, express fully, not fearfully, that peculiar divinity that is of you, that is in you, as life, as God's gift