Thursday, November 17, 2016


STOP WORRYING ABOUT TRUMP Worrying is a worrisome thing. Right now the alleged "election" of Donald Trump, rather his putative --pending electoral college vote--election, has certain folks running around scared, like the sky is falling or like the earth is erupting! Chill. Trump may be our 45th American President, and our 29th President since slavery's end in 1865. Our forbears got us here having far less than we now have in worldly goods. They not only survived, but thrived! We, too, will thrive under Donald Trump, etc, as we have increasingly done under all of his predecessors before his putative election as our Chief Executive Officer, President! Notwithstanding all of that, each one of us still must "work out his own salvation with fear and trembling,"--that "fear" is of God, not man--as we definitely had to do under President Barack Obama. No difference in kind nor degree. "Them that's got shall get. Them that's not shall lose. So the Bible says and it still is news. Momma may have. And Poppa may have. But God bless the child who's got his own. Who's got his own." These immortal lyrics were the great Billie Holliday's soothing and Biblical palliative for our uncertain people in World War II, who had Hitler abroad, Jim Crow at home! Wake up folks, smell that coffee! That's Ethiopian coffee you smell! God has got this, too, for me, for you. And as always God will see us through, what God brought us to! Praise be to God for that enduring example of truth and of hope, that is found inscribed in the miraculous birth, life, death, resurrection, and redeeming legacy of Jesus Christ, whose residual legatees we are!