Monday, November 21, 2016


One of our sons, who is now on a "cultural sabbatical," texted that he had just one question: "WEB or Booker T?" To this never resolved issue among our African American people that yet pains, I replied: "Booker T. emphatically! I wrote "The Strange Career of Dr.W.E.B. DuBois," in the 1980s and published it in THE NILE REVIEW. Washington left Tuskegee , thousands of black teachers and schools and 12 books; DuBois, whose book DUSK OF DAWN (1940), I am now reading, left race division and integration, after attacking Washington and Garvey via the NAACP. Read them both completely!" Now, in retrospect, the question is rather like the one I asked yesterday about greens and onions; whether it is better to cook the onions with the greens, or to cut up fresh onions on top of the cooked greens afterwards; or to do both. Yesterday, I did both! And they were outstanding ! Yummy!