Tuesday, June 14, 2016


"SUBSIDIES" NOW PLEASE Subsidies makes music to me! Subsidies bring forth parities foreclosing racial disparities ! Subsidies afford subsistence, some measure of assistance to those historically indisposed; to those commonly circumscribed, to those traditionally vilified, to those unjustly tried without any process, much less any due process; to those denied any protection, much less, vaunted equal protection of the laws. Subsidies to relieve the lack of national economic comity coming to us, since the betrayal of presumed "Reconstruction" and the Freedmen's Savings Bank peculation and raiders; plus Woodrow Wilson's 1914, tyrannical usurpations fostered by income taxation of our hard-earned money for naught, as we paid for our own persecution! When our self-help efforts have met states' treachery & federal hostility, jealousy, hypocrisy. So bring on our subsidies, our tax refunds and tax abatements too, until our purloined financial portions are fully restored, with interest due! Meanwhile reparations can await that strait gate set to arise on all of God's beloved kingdom someday! Subsidies ! Every sector of the economy enjoys subsidies but us, local, state, federal subsidies. Solar energy subsidies, airlines, trade, shipping subsidies; railways, banks, farmers. The list is endless but none to us poor loyal black folks, just scorn!