Friday, June 24, 2016


Monks don't necessarily need monasteries. President Barack Obama describes the "monk-like existence" that he led as an undergraduate student at Columbia University in New York, while he was majoring in political philosophy, after transferring from Occidental College in California. I had read of this curious scholastic sinecure in one of his two masterful autobiographies: DREAMS OF MY FATHER, THE AUDACITY OF HOPE. One had to be preconditioned for that degree of detachment from the many, fabled allures of New York, New York. Looking back, it makes perfect sense. He was making preparations to become President of the United States! As I sit in my home and study, I appreciate him and his monastic-like life, more and more each day. Reading about Pachomius from Luxor, Egypt, who launched the Christian monastery movement, in Thomas C. Oden's blockbuster book, HOW AFRICA SHAPED THE CHRISTIAN MIND (2007), I now have deeper insights into Obama. I also have deeper insights into the life of Jesus who went into a desert place to pray, even the wilderness . Luke 5:16. Those who are called to do a great work must segregate themselves from worldly distractions, so they may hear the song in their hearts. In short, "monks" do not need monasteries necessarily,but peace.