Thursday, June 2, 2016


DE SUN DO MOVE ! "De Sun Do Move " is the title of an extremely remarkable sermon that was often preached by the Rev. John Jasper, a Baptist minister of Richmond, Virginia, a former slave. His sermon defied the prevailing notions of that era that the sun was stationary and did not move. But Wright wielded the word of God to prove to the skeptics of the 1880s onward, that the sun did move. His skeptics including some school teachers, some scientists and some philosophers, as well! Rev. Jasper served up this homily repeatedly to huge, diverse crowds of all races and classes: black and white, high and low, from every station of life. These thousands of hearers included incredulous scientists, distinguished authors, curious legislators, converted dockworkers, laughing laborers, and worshipping washerwomen. His message and his method were spectacular, say many reports. I can personally attest that "de sun do move," indeed! On this very morning, it has so moved in its annual course around my house in such a way that its diurnal rays now reflect off a picture frame, a room over, and land directly in my face ! That will get you up in the morning! In a few weeks, it will be gone away, again. But, while it's here, we might as well praise it together, knowing indisputably that 'De Sun Do Move!' The sermon is here. Please enjoy!