Friday, June 24, 2016


GETTING AHEAD "Getting ahead" means doing well for oneself, which means, in some way moving forward, from where one began. Usually this connotes financials. That is because in our capitalist society money is the main mete by which movement is measured in life as well as in death, after death too! While this is certainly credible in the sense that money is as a life boat that carries one across this sea, even a ship is no security from life's destiny as tens of thousands of ship wreckages on sea beds say! Thus broadening somewhat the notion of "getting ahead" from that of strictly a single, linear plane into some multidimensional planes, one also departs a financial metric with which to measure one's own life's success. Thereby, other meters emerge like service, compassion, inspiration , education, training, defense, beauty, creativity, faith, diligence, humility, perseverance. Each must be true to oneself in life. Get ahead multidimensionally in the manner that best suits your savor