Tuesday, June 21, 2016


BEING ME PROVERBIALLY Writers need readers . Readers need writers. As left and right go hand in hand, readers and writers do too. Evolved readers are readers whose preferences have evolved. Evolved writers are writers whose capabilities have evolved. We do not, cannot remain in place, for we are whirling rapidly about, along in space on this prescribed planet, in this proscribed dimension of time. Writers record what they observe, sense, research or assume. These bits accumulate, are codified, and become a corpus to be consumed by those readers in this age, or the next, who are either informed by, influenced by, amused by or simply bemused by, that writer's corpus. Between these two spheres are a few hybrids like me who read what others have written and who write pieces of it for others who may not have read it or apprehended as me. I am not so much a popular writer, at least not so far, as I am a popular reader, of whatever may appeal to my evolved reader's tastes. Then, In response to subliminal stimuli, I prepare a context, a gruel, in which to serve, online, other's writings. Along the way, like that proverbial, fabled bee which goes from flower to flower, from nectar to nectar, I too am able to pollinate, and to cross-pollinate, before I buzz back to the beehive to offload my cache. I be what I be, whatever I may be!