Saturday, February 9, 2019


LIVING WITHIN THE PAST EACH DAY Ruby bridges is younger than me. I am 68. She was the little girl with the pigtails who solitarily integrated public schools in New Orleans. The fact shows how close we are to the past. It is not a distant dominion. It is nearby. We live in , live with, the past, each day. It never goes away! Speaking of living in, living with the past, an old yellow postal envelope on my dresser, stood beside an opened letter from July 9, 2012, both beside a DVD "Seeds of Success: The Legacy of George Washington Carver." It was sent to me by a friend, who wrote in her letter: "The jacket talks about 'a highlight of the program is a former Tuskegee University student who was acquainted with Dr. Carver and shares his special and unique perspective. That's dad!" My friend's father knew Dr. Carver from Tuskegee, where he studied. I have met my friend's father in Missouri, where Dr. Carver is from. I may have watched the DVD years ago, when it was sent to me by my friend, but today, I will watch again!