Thursday, February 21, 2019


MEN AND WOMEN ARE PRIMES Men and women are prime to each other under the definition of prime that is explicated in Euclid's Elements, book 7, proposition 1. It states: "Two unequal numbers being set out , and the less being continually subtracted in turn from the greater, if the number which is left never measures the one before it until an unit is left, the original numbers will be prime to one another." Men and women are unequal units. Lesser never measures the greater before it encounters the unit of 1. One is irreducible except by itself. As irreducible, 1 is unmeasurable . Thus, a "unit" is "one" is defined as "that by virtue of which each of the things that exists is called one. A "number" is a multitude composed of units. Both definitions are from "Definitions" at the front of Book 7.