Monday, February 4, 2019


"Just how old is Ancient Egypt?" ruefully asks Robin Walker in his great book? Manetho, the last surviving, hieroglyphics reading priest, of 3rd century BC dates it properly back into prehistory, when the gods walked the earth. He said Dynasty 1 was 5717 BC.; Champollion-Figeac, scholar, elder brother of Jean Francois Champollion, who translated the "Rosetta Stone" in 1822, says 5867 BC; Robin Walker, author here, says 5660 BC in his 2006 masterpiece. Other experts are bound by "pernicious effects of academic peer group pressure" p. 235, to lessen the 5000+ BC date by several thousand years for the first dynasty. I go with Manetho, with Robin Walker , and with Champollion-Figeac of France. Whatever the date that ancient Egypt began, ancient Ethiopia, its mother to the South , far up the Nile River, in black Africa is yet older !