Thursday, December 13, 2018


SOLICITATION TO SEEK TRUTH Unraveling our millennium years old, recondite, mystery of black history, is a gargantuan, multigenerational, task, undertaking, befitting sages, pages, scholars, dollars, teachers, preachers, babies, elders, teens, adults, able, disabled: blind, deaf, dumb; in short, everyone that has breath! who desires to see all of the black historical truths revealed, made real, from beneath layers upon layers of lacquered lies, in which many are buried among the stuff of other-than-black peoples. One can be dissuaded easily from even trying due to enormity of the work required. But for people with a mind to work, no task is too big. These people with a mind to work are those being solicited in this appeal. They know who they are; or will surely make self-discovery in due time: for now is the time for seeking the truth of black history! That truth shall make you free. Its lack, its loss, caused your relapse ! Where do you start? What do you do? Start within yourself; upon one attaining empowering clarity there, spread without into your context, environment: family, work, school, community, fraternities, sororities, churches, lodges, businesses, recreation , stores, shops, clubs, bars, taverns, restaurants; spread your powerful black historical detective inquiries and researches wherever you are and wherever you go. Be woke! Be open! Be seeking: be willing to learn, to teach, to help!