Tuesday, December 18, 2018


"WHAT MANNER OF MAN?" When pondering "What manner of man is this?" as Lerone Bennett,Jr. did in his biography of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it may well be well to review a definition of man. This man, this woman, is unique. These suffer much but do not hate ; have been robbed of so much but are not jealous; been down so long but keep on rising! What manner of man is this? Ask rather is this really a man or a god? Is this really a man or a god; who have already acceded to sermon on the mount precepts in dealing with their oppressors? Who have been crucified by the thousands on lynching trees, but do not die; but who live on, like Jesus, return to life like the Christ? What manner of man is this? This is not a man at all! no man in the least, appearances aside. This is a god bound in iron chains. This is the cosmic miracle made manifest in flesh blood bone! https://biblehub.com/matthew/8-27.htm