Tuesday, December 18, 2018

fighting in first grade

"FIGHTING" IN FIRST GRADE My first grade "fight" ended quickly in Mrs. Riley's classroom. She sent us directly to the principal's office! Oh! Crying all the way down the hall, me and my former "adversary" dejectedly reassured each other, repeatedly, that we had really been playing! but not, not ever, fighting! Too soon, we warily arrived at the principal's office. He, Mr. Wynn, was not there. We thought then he spelled it "Wind", from his paddle! His secretary put us in a separate room, while we awaited his return. We kept on crying . Finally, unable to take all the racket anymore, she sent us back to the classroom to abide his return. Hope! We shut up and walked quietly back into Mrs. Riley's class. She was unaware that Mr. Wynn was not there. Neither of us told her either! He never came to get us that day nor any day! We were very happy and never fought each other again in school. Whew !