Wednesday, December 19, 2018


AMERICAN COUNTERREVOLUTION THAT IS PROCEEDING UNSEEN The American Revolution of 1776 was suborned by a "counterrevolution" in which the founding "common sense" principles of justice and equality for all were betrayed by white legal privileges in the federal Constitution of 1787. Upon its ratification in 1789, slavery was sacralized and sacrificed at the altar of avarice, prejudice , injustice. Thus murder, mayhem, rape, riots, lynching, miseducation, heresy, racism and apostasy became the standard of all operating legal, political, economic systems; from 1789 forward through an all-too-brief post-Civil War "Reconstruction" from 1865-1876, when by Amendments 13-15, some attempts were made to restore faith in the founding equal justice traditions. This was then followed by the white majority "Reconciliation," that lasted until 1968, with the assassination of the Rev . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose massive civil disobedience campaign had reversed segregation , that survived the legal challenges of Charles Hamilton Houston, Thurgood Marshall, and the NAACP/LDF from 1935-1954, when Brown came down ! To "suborn" is to perjure, bribe or betray. Thomas Paine's "Declaration of Independence" was falsely ascribed to the deceitful slaveholder, and white supremacist, Thomas Jefferson, who owned hundreds of slaves. He was on the 1776 Continental Congress editing committee, which scrapped referring to African slaves and American Indians, as were in the original draft, as reasons for separating from England . In 1785, Jefferson further suborned the ideal of the American Revolution by writing and privately publishing NOTES ON THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. In "Query XIV," he claimed Africans are mentally and physically defective compared to whites. In 1787, a convention was held to amend the government's Articles of Confederation, it was claimed. There was too much power left in the states and too few tax dollars or tariffs in the central government, whose supremacy and sovereignty was being seriously tested by unkept promises about land on the frontier and unpaid troops. So, in Philadelphia, a new governing document, the present Constitution, as now amended, was hammered out among and between competing interests, merchants, farmers, slaveholding and non-slaveholding. The criteria for unity resolved itself in the 3/5s clause in Article 1 section 2, which enabled the number of slaves to be added to the number of white men to determine representatives in the House, which determined taxation. American democracy is based on the premise of African American remaining subordinate and subservient to whites. This is of course a mockery of what is claimed and of what is written in the founding documents and sentiments. But, Civil War, white reconciliation , race segregation, Richard Nixon, and Donald Trump are all residual white supremacy symptoms and tools that are used to effect "counterrevolution!"