Monday, October 1, 2018


WE ARE SPECIALLY PLACED HERE, RIGHT NOW, BY GOD Gods puts you, me, us where we are supposed to be; when, where, with whom we are supposed to be. Ask not "Why me?" Shrink not from destiny, but: Sing out, "Thank You oh! Lord! Thank You, Sweet Lord!" This quip, hypothesis, suspicion is conjectural, admittedly. You are not asked to agree nor disagree ; nor to accept nor reject it as true or false. I posit it as quantum superposition. God designed all that exists in the infinite universe, or God did not; down to its finest detail, and up to its grandest scale. This notion, this vision, is the current status or the consequence of another thought experiment (or of several) involving Schroedinger'a cat and Einstein's manned light beam in space-time. From theoretical physics, to down here on the ground with us. It was put "way down here where the goats can eat it," to quote former Alabama governor George Wallace. Quantum superposition says life and death coexist coterminously; that at any moment either one is exists. The cat or a person may be alive or dead or all moving at light speed in space-time or not or both. Chew on that awhile. Amen. Is this philosophy, religion, science, all or none? Thought too is of God.