Friday, October 5, 2018


"The fruitful imagination of the modern Egyptologist who can see nothing great in the black man, but finds unlimited wisdom in the white man, delights to robe all ancient Egypt in white. The old monarchs are made to conform in figure to the Grecian and Roman mold, and in color to the Shemitic race of Asia, and to the Anglo -Saxon. The black mummy is aroused from his ancient sleep and transformed by the art of Pythagorean metempsychosis into a white mummy with a look of disdain upon its former self. The Negro is not in it . If at all shown in the presence of Egyptian monarchs, in modern illustrations, he is there as a captive , a suppliant, or a slave. The term 'Cushite' so conspicuous in history, is put to the credit of the nomadic Arabian . The terms 'Shicor' of the Hebrews, 'Ethiopian' of the Greeks, and 'Niger' of the Romans , are all made to mean this , that, or anything except a Negro. Kinky hair is made to signify curling ringlets , or something like a popular 'frizz' of Caucasian belles. "If, during the period of American slavery, any Anglo-Saxon raised his voice or moved his pen in the interest of the stolen and oppressed African, that man was marked, reviled, and ostracized by the offensively arrogant pro-slavery oligarchy, as if he were infected with leprosy. No historian could write a true record of the sons of Ham in the hope of finding a market for his book. The press, the pulpit , the writer and publisher were all against the Negro and suppressed the facts of his ancient greatness . In those days the white man wrote for white men; and now the black man must write for black men, and give them proper and merited rank among the historic peoples of the earth. But let his pen be guided by truth and graced with charity." P. viii-x, "Preface," THE CUSHITE, OR, THE DESCENDANTS OF HAM : AS FOUND IN THE SACRED SCRIPTURES AND IN THE WRITINGS OF ANCIENT HISTORIANS AND POETS FROM NOAH TO THE CHRISTIAN ERA, by Rufus Lewis Perry D.D., Ph.D. (1893)