Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Since when has Satan assumed the form of: "Truth, prudence , wisdom, logic, common sense, social acceptability," as some writers suggest? Is not the Satan-construct indeed the very OPPOSITE of truth, prudence, wisdom, logic , common sense, social acceptability? in form and substance ? There is a gross deception is implying that what is good is evil; what is evil is good. The healing balm is polluted! Ultimately, if people do not know the truth, they will be as ignorant as both Adam and Eve were in the "garden." Truth comes from observation, conversation , experimentation, documentation, meditation and realization that God is the truth as exemplified in nature, in life, existence, in all of their competitive and complementary dimensions, bar none ! In short, all things being of God, by God, from God, no creature is ever greater than God nor competition for God. All is God! Good and evil ARE as we perceive conceive believe.