Monday, August 20, 2018


Larry Delano Coleman August 20, 2017 AFRICAN-AMERICAN ANOMALY MUST BE DIVINE HETERODOXY Part of the enduring American anomaly, puzzle, riddle, is not just that President Donald Trump would succeed President Barack Obama's two prior terms, electorally--whose differences are stark--but that the United States of America can be a nation, at all, given its heterodoxy. Being founded upon compromise between agricultural interests, and mercantilism interests, which were both codependent upon the bodies and properties of millions of black people over four (4) centuries, who were captured in Africa, then, over oceans shipped to America to bind America's economic dissimilarities into one national identity, was more than unpredictable, it was divine. It matches if does not surpass any epic ever conceived in any religion! Its magical manifestation in North America was not just objectively unprecedented in history, but was also inconceivable, philosophically. Thus, in our African presence is the mystery of an American hegemony. These facts are foremost of all of American anomalies: all resonant of the African presence in the making, in the maintaining, of American life. Neither singly, nor, co-dependently, without African people's indisputably rich agency in the development of America's globe-leading agriculture, trade, culture, politics, education, business , law, shipping, exploration, invention, nor military, could either North or South, East or West, have progressed, from sea to shining sea! These facts are foremost of all of American anomalies: seminal resonance of the long African presence in the making and in the maintaining of American life.