Tuesday, August 28, 2018


EXCELLENCE MAKES ITS OWN RULES! Me and Ted (the late Theodore Roosevelt Bush, Jr.) were great busboys in the 1960s in St. Louis, Missouri. In fact, given our eclat, we considered ourselves to be among the greatest busboys who had ever lived or worked tables! We worked as a pair, beginning in Clayton, Missouri's Hanover Haus (later known as the Clayton Inn). We then moved to The St. Louis Club, atop the tallest building in Clayton, resort of movers and shakers in the global money world. Next, was Schneidhorst Restaurant in ritzy Ladue. Lastly, there was Al Baker's Restaurant where we worked over Christmas Holiday in 1969, our Freshman year in college. We swaggered into Al Baker's with our impressive busboy resumes and were hired on the spot by cool Al Baker himself! We reported for work through the kitchen like other help. Once oriented we repaired to the milk dispensing machine for some refreshment. Some of the old timers interrupted us, warning that Mr. Baker didn't allow the help to drink that white milk! "Say what?" We kept on dispensing milk and drinking milk, heedless to such unwary pettiness , day after day. After awhile, we would observe certain people among the help, now embolden by our example, doing the same, albeit furtively. Excellence makes up its own rules! Even if it's only at the milk machine!