Thursday, August 23, 2018


MORNING AFTER DONALD TRUMP EXPEDIENCY EXPOSTULATIONS Every "morning after" day is always memorable . "What now?" issues becloud, bewitch, well up, in the wake of what had happened the day before, between the parties. Politics is not excepted from more conjugal customary "morning after" conniptions with media mass/social talk: speculations, expostulations. The conviction of Trump Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort, and guilty pleas of Trump's personal attorney and Republican Party Deputy Campaign Manager, Michael Cohen, on August 22, 2018, have clearly implicated President Donald Trump, and others, in their clique. I add my bit to the expostulations. First, as President of the United States of American Donald Trump is no ordinary man, but is a man. His political status and personal status conflate but do not conflict. He is not a god, nor a king. As ruler of men he is subject to their rules. Rules change as conditions change for expediency's sake . We have seen this fact unfold expediently in recent American political and legal history following the controversial, yet precedential, Presidential election in 1876, between Ohio's Rutherford B. Hayes, Republican, and New York's Samuel B. Tilden, a Democrat. Their infamous "Hayes-Tilden Compromise" ended post-Civil War "Reconstruction" timid attempts to fulfill black citizenship, legal rights, as it affirmed, ratified "white power's racist segregation. The dictates of the Constitution were cast aside, peremptorily, by wealthy white men , who, by agreements between certain of themselves, who yet remain anonymous, over 150 years later. These very practical people reached a deal removing federal troops from the South, leaving the fate of blacks to those who "best knew" how to deal with them. In consideration of removing federal troops and abandoning the blacks, the Republicans would be awarded the Presidency, regardless of the Electoral College or Constitution! Expediency is powerful. Apostle Paul, 1 Cor. 10:23, and "The Common Law" author, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, have both acknowledged expediency's legitimacy. I suspect that such expediency will end the torrid Presidency of Donald Trump.