Friday, August 10, 2018


INDICTMENT OF AMERICAN LAW: KNOW IDENTITY, DUTY, DESTINY Any law that is deemed to be one that is "official," is, inherently superficial , if it is founded upon morally meretricious philosophies of man, that are false, that mock law by hypocrisy; being artificially applied, evilly, to common life facts, whose foundations are not based upon divine natural laws of God, as reflected in the stars or in nature, but upon greed, lies, oppression. Such is the fake, ersatz foundation, moral bases of common law, in the United States of America, whose chief design was the exploitation of black men as maintained by its law, exclusively, for the enrichment of a class of certain ruling, "white" men, by recurrent, recombinant, bigotry in religion, commerce, education, law enforcement, taxation, cultural integrity, literature, entertainment. Ignoring fairness, while pretending to be fair; ignoring godliness while pretending to be godly; ignoring truth, justice, equity, patriotism, yet pretending to embrace them all, we live among 'skull and bones' devils. If they be devilish or devils, then, whom or what are we is a question of identity : personally, corporately. "As a man thinks in his heart is he." In identity is found duty, destiny , responsibility, history, capability. Lack of identity debases powers. A fish may attempt to climb a tree; a turtle may attempt to fly or tumble. Eagles may think, act like chickens. Sailors disoriented by storms may be upon fresh waters unknowingly! Begging waters of passing ships, who reply "cast down your buckets where you are," repeatedly; until at last, having no alternatives, they cast down where they are, and are delighted, relieved, to retrieve the fresh waters they all along were on! Such an analogy was spoken by Booker T. Washington in 1895, in his famous "Atlanta Exposition" address to a big racially-mixed audience in the Negro Exhibition that featured Negro inventiveness. It is eternally apt as universal law. Knowing one's location in space and time is identity transmuted. Time-space coordinates are divine. Without knowing one can be sold a bill of goods, sold as chattel slaves, away from hearth, home, ancestry. Fortunately, stem cells regenerate. African Americans are stem cells from Africa in the Americas. That we are here for a divine reason is not to be doubted, since all is such. Answering the why requires some knowledge of our identity, location, personally, corporately, naturally. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free;" Jesus said. Thus, not knowing the truth will surely enslave you to those who claim to be truth's repository. Truth is dynamic, requiring renewal, because we live in motion at the speed of light spiritually, mentally; but less so physically, genetically. Encompassing all is God's divine law that saturates, permeates all; living in consonance with divine law is the duty, destiny, responsibility, identity, history, capability, of man. Amen.