Sunday, May 13, 2018


"Come on, Margie!" cried "Bo," our daddy, as he raced away from a bull and Momma, who may have been pregnant with me, at the time. I do not know . I only heard after, much later after, of this occurrence. Momma's name is Margie. Daddy and Mamma had 8 children. I am their first-born , their eldest. They were from Madison County, Mississippi. I was born there, too. We lived, at times, alternately, before I was four, on Daddy's family's farm and at times Canton, in Mamma's family's home. Both I recall living in, playing in, visiting in both. "Come on here, Margie!" Is what Daddy told Momma, as they were hurriedly crossing a field one night with a big bull in it. I don't know much about bulls, but they are big, bad and creatures not to be bullied, by reputation and by appearances. "Come on here, Margie!" Never failed to invoke peals of laughter from both of them as they recalled the earliest days of their happy 48 year marriage that was very fruitful! "Happy Mother's Day!" to all mothers!